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Compound nouns Upper

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My daughter and her friends spend most Saturdays in the ..., although I don´t think they buy much!
shopping centre/mall
There´s an internet café in the ..., between the cinema and the book shop.
city centre
Ben´s new company has an office on an ... just outside Coventry.
industrial state
Our town has an ... every Thursday behind the bus station - I buy my veggies there.
outdoor market
There´s a ... in the art gallery where you can buy postcards of some of the paintings.
gift shop
I buy my food in the ... because it´s more convenient than going to lots of small shops.
We left the car in the ... while we went shopping.
car park
Drive along the High Street and turn left at the ... .
traffic lights
We live in a row of small ... in Barton Road.
terraced house
I use the gym in the ... .
sports centre
You can´t drive your car down there- it´s a ... !
one-way street
My son will be old enough to go to ... next year.
primary school
I´m studying English for six weeks in a ... in Bath.
language school
My best friend lives in a house on a big new... in Bistol.
housing state