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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you could be or do anything you want when you are older, what would it be?
I would like to _______.
What is 1 thing you could do to help someone else?
I could be nice to others. Be a good friend.
I could mean and unkind. I could only think about myself.
What is the Golden Rule?
Treat others as you would like to be treated. Be kind.
Be rude and mean to friends.
What is something you miss about being at Leichman or on campus?
I miss _______.
What is something you like about virtual school?
I like _________.
Tell your favorite movie or tv show. Why do you like it?
My favorite movie or show is _________. I like it because________.
How can you keep a conversation going with your friend?
Ask them a question or make a comment about the topic
Dont' ask them any questions. Act like you aren't listening.
Tell your favorite dessert. How does it taste?
My favorite dessert is__________. It tastes ________.
Pick a friend, Ask them about their favorite dessert.
(Friend) What is your favorite dessert?
Pick a friend or teacher, Give them a compliment.
Examples: You are a nice friend, I like your shirt
Tell what your favorite food is? How does it taste?
My favorite food is ________. It tastes _______.
Pick a friend, Ask them about their favorite food.
(Friend) What is your favorite food?
Spring is almost here. Name the seasons and tell which is your favorite and why?
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall; My favorite season is _______ because ________.
Pick a friend, Ask them about their favorite superhero.
(Friend) Who is your favorite superhero?
Tell who your favorite superhero is and why?
My favorite superhero is ________ because _________.
Pick a friend, Ask them about their weekend?
(Friend) What did you do this weekend? How was your weekend?
What does it mean to give someone a compliment?
To say something nice to someone.
To be rude and unkind.