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Final R Riddles

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is all around us at all times. We even breathe it in.
When you eat dinner you might season your food with this. It is the partner to salt.
This can be hot or cold. When we look outside and see if it is raining or sunny we are checking the _____.
This grows in a garden and comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes people pick them from the ground and put them in a vase.
These animals have skinny legs and are sometimes hunted. Males tend to have antlers.
A large, furry animal that likes to eat honey and fish. Winnie the Pooh is this type of animal.
This is a vehicle used for transportation. You can ride in this when you go on a road trip!
This giant cat is known for its red orange fur with black stripes. You may see it at the zoo!
This grows on your head. You may comb it, brush it, or even cut it.
When it is dark at night, sometimes you can see this shining object in the sky.
You can draw, write, and color on this! You use it a lot during school.
You go visit this person when you are not feeling well. They are very smart, wear a lab coat, and can help you get better.
This type of animal went extinct many years ago. They can be very big or small like a bird. We still find fossils of them today!
This is made of rubber and can be used on a car, bike, or even as a swing. On a car it goes round and round.
This number comes after three and before five.