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WHI.7 SOL Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In addition to the Orthodox faith, what else was spread into Russia by the Byzantines through trade?
Architecture and religious art
Who created an alphabet for the Slavic populations so they could read the Bible?
St. Cyril
Where was Orthodox Christianity spread to from the Byzantine Empire?
North into Russia
What practice meant abstaining from sexual relations for a religious reason? Which branch of Christianity practiced this?
Celibacy; Catholocism
While the Pope was the religious leader of Catholics, who were the leaders of the Orthodox branch of Christianity?
What language was used in Roman Catholic Christianity? How was this different from Eastern Orthodox?
Latin; Eastern Orthodox used Greek or the local language
What terms describes religious images?
Where was Greek and Roman knowledge preserved in the Byzantine Empire?
Which branch of Christianity did the Byzantines practice? Which branch was practiced in western Europe?
Eastern/Greek Orthodox; Roman Catholic
What was the domed church created by Justinian?
Hagia Sophia
What art style were the Byzantines famous for and how were these works of art made?
Mosaics; pressing stones/glass into plaster to create an image
What was the name of the Byzantine law code that was a collection of Roman law codes?
Justinian's Code
What Byzantine Emperor was known for ruling during their golden age, reconquering former Roman lands, and codifying Roman law?
The Byzantines preserved ________-_______ culture.
Constantinople was easily fortified because of its location on a ___________ and the creation of a massive system of _________ that protected it from land attacks.
Peninsula; walls
What was the three names of the city (in order) that at some point was the capital of the Byzantine Empire and then Ottoman Empire?
Byzantium, Constantinople, Istanbul