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Present simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I (to learn) English twice a week.
I learn English twice a week.
She (to become) a very good teacher.
She became a very good teacher.
He (to fight) with his brother last week.
He fought with his brother last week.
They ( to sit) on the floor.
Thay are sitting on the floor.
She ( to come) home very late. She ( to have) 8 lessons.
She came home very late. She had 8 lessons.
you/take/my/ umbrella?
Did you take my umbrella?
They ( not to write) a test now. They ( to write) a dictation.
They are not writing a test now. They are writing a dictation.
She ( not to like) chips. But she ( to like) pizza.
She doesn't like chips. But she likes pizza.
you/ see/ well/ or/badly ?
Do you see well or badly?
I can (to hear) you, but badly.
I can hear you, but badly.
What / you/ listen / now?
What are you listening now?
Don't ( to give) me your hand.
Don't to give me your hand.
I (to eat) a sandwich with cheese in the morning.
I ate a sandwich with cheese in the morning.
Look! He ( to carry) a heavy bag.
Look! He is carrying a heavy bag.
you/do your homework/ every evening ??????
Do you do your homework every evening?
Yesterday I (to drink) two bottles of water.
Yesterday I drank two bottles of water.
she/ usually/clean/ her bedroom/ at the weekend.
She usually cleans her bedroom at the weekend.
Ann ( to read ) an interesting book at the moment.
Ann is reading an interesting book at the moment.
Tom/ start his business/ a year ago ???
Did Tom start his business a year ago?
She ( to go ) to school yesterday.
She went to school yesterday.
I (not to play) computer games every day.
I don't play computer games every day.