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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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to h_ _ _ _ _ a plane
to hijack a plane
r_ _ _ _ _ (money given to a criminal for a return of sb or sth)
ransom (money given to a criminal for a return of sb or sth)
to k_ _ _ _ _ somebody
to kidnap somebody
to r_ _ _ (to assault sexually)
to rape (to assault sexually)
to b_ _ _ somebody
to beat somebody
to _ _ _ a bank
to rob a bank
to s_ _ _ _ _t somebody
to suspect somebody
to a_ _ _ _ _ somebody of a crime
to accuse somebody of a crime
to b_ _ _ _ into a house
to break into a house
s_ _ _ _ _ _ _g drugs
smuggling drugs
to t_ _ _ _ _y
to testify
sh_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _g
to _ _ _ _ _ _ a crime
to commit a crime
to _ _ _ fire to a building
to set fire to a building
to _ _ _ _ _ a car
to steal a car
to be s_ _ _ _ _ _ _d to jail
to be sentenced to jail
to be a_ _ _ _ _ _d by the police
to be arrested by the police
to get _ _ _ _ with the crime
to get away with the crime
to b_ _ _k the law
to break the law