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"Used to" vs "Would"

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I get up at 9pm, but before, I ______ get up early every day.
“used to” or “would”
When I was a teen, I ______ go to parties every weekend.
“used to” or “would”
When I was a student I ______ read books in the library every Friday.
“used to” or “would”
I didn’t have a car before, so I ______ take a bus to school even when it was raining.
“used to” or “would”
I ______ know how to sing the National Anthem, but I forgot it.
“used to” only
Before I bought this car, I ______ have a motorcycle.
“used to” only
She______ be a teacher, now she is a lawyer.
“used to” only
Before having kids, my mother ______ hate watching cartoons, now she enjoys it.
“used to” only
My father ______ have an iPhone, but last month he sold it.
“used to” only
When I was single, I ______ hang out with my friends every weekend.
“used to” or “would”
My father ______ take me to the stadium to watch games.
“used to” only
When I was a kid, I ______ live in a house. Now live in an apartment.
“used to” only