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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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ever / Jasmin / abroad / has / traveled / ?
Has Jasmin ever traveled abroad?
Find and correct the mistakes in the sentence: We listen to the tour guide’s explanation, but my parents were buying postcards.
listen --> listened / were listening
Find and correct the mistakes in the sentence: While Eva and Eduardo were hanging out at the cafe, Lucas and Rafael were checked the train timetable.
checked --> checking were checked --> checked
Find and correct the mistakes in the sentence: Ana was suffering from culture shock because she was being away from home for the first time.
was being --> was
Find and correct the mistakes in the sentence: Luis and I were stared at the painting for ten minutes, but we never figured out what it was.
stared --> staring were stared --> started
Find and correct the mistakes in the sentence: Melissa wanted to explore the city center while it didn’t rain.
didn’t rain --> wasn’t raining.
Find and correct the mistakes in the sentence: While we were waiting for the bus, I was seeing a poster for tours at the art museum.
was seeing --> saw
Emma _____ (buy) some more souvenirs while her boyfriend _____ (wait) for his cell phone to charge.
bought - was waiting
Chen _____ (hike) for eight hours before he _____ (find) a good place to set up his tent.
had been hiking - found
Julia _____ (examine) the painting with great interest because she _____ (study) art history in college many years before.
examined - had studied
Before Jakob _____ (tour) the museum, he _____ (get) a real feel for Athens from walking round its markets.
toured - had got / got
Before he _____ (visit) the castle, Paul _____ (already, read) several books about its history.
visited - had already read
Because Amelia _____ (take) a photography course, she _____ (know) exactly which camera to take on her last trip.
had taken -knew
Ali _____ (read) yet another guidebook about New Zealand because she really _____ (want) to visit Auckland next year.
is reading - wants
Before we _____ (realize) it, Salma _____ (rush) to the front of the line and bought our tickets.
realized - had rushed
Giovanni _____ (study) English for many years before he _____ (move) to Canada last month.
had studied / had been studying - moved