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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Whose / Who's backpack is that?
Whose backpack is that?
Who's / Whose going to your house tonight?
Who's going to your house tonight?
My parents bought a new / knew car.
My parents bought a new car.
I knew / new the answer.
I knew the answer.
Next weak / week we are going on vacation.
Next week we are going on vacation.
My arms are weak / week after lifting weights.
My arms are weak after lifting weights.
The bear / bare was growling.
The bear was growling.
I walked on the sand with bear / bare feet.
I walked on the sand with bare feet.
I here/ hear the fire alarm from far away.
I hear the fire alarm from far away.
I will wait hear / here for you to show up.
I will wait here for you to show up.
I like all ice cream flavors accept / except for chocolate.
I like all ice cream flavors except for chocolate.
I will accept / except your apology.
I will accept your apology.
My shoelaces are loose / lose.
My shoelaces are loose.
I hope we don't loose / lose the game.
I hope we don't lose the game.
The weather / whether was crazy today!
The weather was crazy today!
I can't decide weather / whether or not I want a hot dog.
I can't decide whether or not I want a hot dog.
I heard a creak / creek in the haunted house.
I heard a creak in the haunted house.
Our tent is set up by the creek / creak.
Our tent is set up by the creek.
Dad wants some peace / piece and quiet.
Dad wants some peace and quiet.
Can I have a peace / piece of cake?
Can I have a piece of cake?
The baby has grown / groan a lot.
The baby has grown a lot.
The kid will groan / grown if I give him homework.
The kid will groan if I give him homework.
I was a ferry / fairy for Halloween.
I was a fairy for Halloween.
The ferry / fairy took us to the island.
The ferry took us to the island.
The homework is do / due tomorrow.
The homework is due tomorrow.
Do / due you have a pencil I can borrow?
Do you have a pencil I can borrow?
I read my sister a fairy tail / tale.
I read my sister a fairy tale.
The dog's tale / tail is wagging.
The dog's tail is wagging.
Are / Our you in my class?
Are you in my class?
Are / Our class is cancelled today.
Our class is cancelled today.
Write / right your answer at the bottom of the paper.
Write your answer at the bottom of the paper.
Oh yeah, that's right / write.
Oh yeah, that's right.
Your / You're invited to my party on Saturday.
You're invited to my party on Saturday.
Your / You're brother is in my class.
Your brother is in my class.
I have two / too sisters.
I have two sisters.
I have to / too go to school.
I have to go to school.
I have a red backpack too / to.
I have a red backpack too.
My backpack is right there / their.
My backpack is right there.
They're / There great friends of mine.
They're great friends of mine.
I saw their / they're dog running down the street.
I saw their dog running down the street.