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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a vertebrate animal?
An animal with inner skeleton.
What can a bat do?
It can fly.
What can a kangaroo do?
It can jump.
What can a cat do?
It can walk, it can run and it can climb.
What can a cheetah do?
It can run and it can walk.
What can a shark do?
It can swim.
What can a crocodile do?
It can swim and it can walk.
What can an eagle do?
It can fly and walk.
What can a snake do?
It can slither.
What can a duck do?
It can fly, it can swim and it can walk.
What groups of animals are oviparous?
Reptiles, birds and fish.
What animals are viviparous?
What do omnivores eat?
They eat plants and other animals.
What do herbivores eat?
They eat plants.
What do carnivores eat?
They eat other animals.
What is the body of fish covered with?
It is covered with scales.
What is the body of birds covered with?
It is covered with feathers.
What's the body of reptiles covered with?
It is covered with scales.
What's the body of amphibians covered with?
It is covered with skin.
What's the body of mammals covered with?
It is covered with fur.