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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What time of year is this? What date is it?
It's Christmas (December 25th)
She is ______ a ______. It is the _______ time.
She is having a shower. It is the morning time.
Do you _____ much television? No, I ______ ever watch tv.
Do you watch much television? No, I hardly ever watch tv.
What time of year is this? What date is it?
It's Halloween (October 31st)
What is he eating? Is it healthy?
He's eating pizza. It's unhealthy.
What game is this? Can you spell it backwards?
e l z o o b m a a B
What sea animal is it? Can you spell it backwards?
s u r l a W
How many bones can you see?
I can see six bones.
What's he doing? He's _______ __________.
What's he doing? He's playing videogames.
How many apples can you see? How many oranges can you see?
I can see ten apples. I can't see any oranges.
True or False: It's a lime.
False. It's a lemon.
What shape is the island?
It's star-shaped.
What did he do? __ mailed a letter to _______.
What did he do? He mailed a letter to himself.
What is this creature called? Can you spell it backwards!?
r u a s o n i D
What's happening to the boat?
The boat is sinking.
What's happening to the plane?
The plane is crashing.
What shape is his nose?
It's heart-shaped.
Name 5 -ing actions you can see in this picture.
Drawing, hugging, drinking, playing, standing, sitting, holding, smiling.
What season do you think this is?
Fall / autumn
True or False: They look happy.
False. They look angry.
The dog is toasting ____________ in the forest.
The dog is toasting marshmallows in the forest.
The ____ is _______ a banjo.
The frog is playing a banjo.
The ___ is skate________.
The dog is skateboarding.
Slow and steady ____ the ____.
Slow and steady wins the race.