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Past Simple vs Past Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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While the football teams _________________ up, the fans _________________ their flags. (warm, wave)
were warming / were waving
. They _________________ to the restaurant and _________________ a cup of coffee. (go, have)
went / had
While his friend _________________ the car, John _________________ about his holidays. (drive,talk)
was driving / was talking
She _________________ for the bus when I _________________ her yesterday. (wait, see)
was waiting / saw
4. While Mike _________________ TV Sheila _________________ a book. (watch, read)
was watching / was reading
. On Sunday I _________________ for a walk and then I _________________ the museum. (go,visit)
went / visited
He _________________ lunch when the first guests _________________ . (prepare, arrive)
was preparing / arrived
“What _________________ at this time yesterday”? – “I was asleep.” (you do)
were you doing
Jerry _________________ for me when I _________________ . (wait, arrive)
was waiting / arrived
He ________________ guitar when someone ________________ the window and ________________ out a bucket of water. (play, open, throw)
was playing / opened / threw
When I ________________ she ________________ lunch.
arrived / was having.
My dog ________________ along quietly when Mary’s Pekinese ________________ him. (walk,attack)
was walking / attacked
Then we ________________ the cafe and ________________ good bye (leave, say)
left / said
While the waiter ________________ up the pieces of glass he ________________ his finger (pick,cut)
was picking / cut
We ________________ to have a cup of tea. (decide)
She ________________ a bright yellow dress when I ________________ her last (wear, see)
was wearing / saw
I ________________ out of the car and ________________ Judy. (get, see)
got / saw
I ________________ for my things when I ________________ someone call my name (pay, hear)
was paying / heard
I ________________ a friend while I ________________ the shopping (meet, do)
met / was doing
. She ________________ the office very early last night (leave).
She ________________ not interested in the book because she ________________ it (be ,not understand)
was / didn't understand
Columbus ________________ America over 500 years ago (discover)
The fire _______________________ at six in the morning. (still burn)
was still burning
My brother ________________ a new job a week ago (get).
Maisie ________________ up the kitchen when John ________________ her to marry him. (clean, ask)
was cleaning / asked
Ann ________________ for me when I ________________ . (wait, arrive)
was waiting / arrived
________________ TV when I ________________ you? (you watch, phone)
Were you watching / phoned
Last night I ________________ in bed when I suddenly ________________ a scream. (read, hear)
was reading / heard
George ________________ off the ladder while he ________________ the ceiling. (fall, paint)
fell / was painting
When I ................(get back) my mum ..................(cook) dinner
got back / was cooking
I .................(wait) for my friend when the bus .............(arrive)
was waiting / arrived
He ..................(play) football, when he ....................(break) his leg
was playing / broke
Susan ................(arrive) while I ...................(have) dinner
arrived / was having
When they ............... (see) the shark they ................. (swim) in the sea
saw / were swimming
I ...................... (have) a picnic when I ..................(see) my sister.
was having / saw
He ...................(dance) at a party when he ..................(meet) his girlfriend
was dancing / met
She ............... (surf) when the shark ................ (attack) her
was surfing / attacked