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Team Up Plus V possessive pronouns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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popraw błąd: The house is my.
The house is MINE
popraw błąd: What is yours address?
What is YOUR address?
popraw błąd: This is hers book
this is HER book.
popraw błąd: Mine room is big
MY room is big
Uzupełnij właściwym zaimkiem lub przymiotnikiem dzierżawczym: This is (she) ______ book.
This is HER book.
Uzupełnij właściwym zaimkiem lub przymiotnikiem dzierżawczym: Jason lives in abig house. It belongs to (he) _____ father.
It belongs to HIS father
Uzupełnij właściwym zaimkiem lub przymiotnikiem dzierżawczym: This cat is (they) ____.
This cat is THEIRS
Uzupełnij właściwym zaimkiem lub przymiotnikiem dzierżawczym: Excuse me, is this pen (you) _______?
Is this pen YOURS?
Uzupełnij właściwym zaimkiem lub przymiotnikiem dzierżawczym: She is (we) _____ sister.
She is OUR sister.
Uzupełnij właściwym zaimkiem lub przymiotnikiem dzierżawczym: This is (I) ___ camera.
This is MY camera.
Whose is this umbrella? It's MY / MINE
Whose is this umbrella? It's MINE
Are these THEIR / THEIRS books?
Are these THEIR books?
WHOSE / WHO'S ball is it? It's Tom's
WHOSE ball is it?
This bicycle is HER / HERS.
This bicycle is HERS.
WHOSE / WHO'S that boy? It's Tom
WHO'S that boy?
The car is OUR / OURS.
The car is OURS.
The dog wants IT / ITS food.
The dog wants ITS food.
Is that YOUR / YOURS pen?
Is that YOUR pen?
Przetłumacz na język angielski: Kim jest ta dziewczyna?
Who's that girl?
Przetłumacz na język angielski: Czyje są te płyty?
Whose are these CDs?
Przetłumacz na język angielski: It's not my bag. Mój jest niebieski.
Mine is blue
Przetłumacz na język angielski. To jest ich kot.
It's their cat.
Maria lives with ______ father in Portugal.
Maria lives with HER father in Portugal.
Tina lost ______ keys.
Tina lost HER keys.
______ car is outside?
WHOSE car is outside?