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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When do they cover Passive Voice?
Grammar 3.0
How many meet-ups do I have to teach a month?
2 a month for full-timers (unless you teach VIP indiv)// 4 times a month if you are a part-timer
When do I recommend Grammar course?
when you hear your Ss make mistakes and provide feedback
Are the teacher's meeting on Fridays compulsory or voluntary?
compulsory, but you can watch the videos of those
Are the TT sessions on Tuesdays compulsory or voluntary?
Who can I recommend SBL to?
When do they cover reported speech?
on Grammar 3.0
Grammar 2.0 Are there conditionals?
Grammar 2.0 Are there Perfect Tenses?
Grammar 1.0. Are there Perfect tenses?
Grammar 3.0. Who can we recommend it to?
After LO (strong) O LP P
Grammar 2.0. Who can we recommend it to?
Y C LO O (weaker)
Grammar 1.0 Who can we recommend it to?
After LG (strong) G LY
What comes after Coral?
Light Oragne
How many levels are there in Aloha?