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Unit 8 TEENS 1: Going to vs. Pres Cont.

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Arnold and his students _____ the plane to Tokio at 9.30 tomorrow morning.
are catching
are going to catching
are going catch
are eating pizza on the
Next Saturday my family and I are going to a picnic.
Next Saturday my family and I am going to a picnic.
Next weekend we are going to have a picnic.
Next weekend we are have a picnic.
We are excited because next Saturday we are having a party!
We are excited because next Saturday we have a party!
I'm going to visit Paris next year.
I'm going visit Paris next year.
Tomorrow we are going to the beach.
Tomorrow we go to the beach.
Carla _____ late for work again!
is going to be
is being
is eating pizza
loves ice cream
Bea _____ her aunt in California some day. She needs to save up first!
is going to visit
is visiting
is writing a letter to
8 o'clock in the morning. There is not a single cloud in the sky. It ________ a beautiful sunny day!
is going to be
is being
is going to
Elias and Diego _____ a football game at four o'clock this Sunday in Castellón.
are playing
are going to play
is playing
is going to play
Ernesto loves candy. He _____ that whole bag of gummy bears.
is going to eat
are going to eat
is going to
is eaten
Sara and her mum _____ up at 7 o'clock tomorrow.
are going to wake
are waking
is going to wake
is waking
It's raining outside. Sara _____ wet if she goes outside without an umbrella.
is going to get
is getting
is going to
is going to got
Ana has studied a lot for her biology test. She _____ it.
is going to pass
is passing
is going to fail
is failing
Carla ______ to Madrid with the other Carla next Thursday.
is going
are going
is going to arrive
Lucas _______ English all weekend!
is going to study
is studying
is going study
is going to
Hey Noelia, what ______ later?
are you doing
you are going to do
do you do
time are you going to do
PUT IN ORDER: of coffee / I’m / going / and / to sit down / have / a cup.
I'm going to sit down and have a cup of coffee.
PUT IN ORDER: a / in / having / My parents / holiday / Bali / are / without me!
My parents are having a holiday in Bali without me!
PUT IN ORDER: Mum’s / clean / to / going / because / her / dirty / car / it’s .
Mum’s going to clean her car because it’s dirty.
PUT IN ORDER: to / visit / We’re / going / Paris / next year.
We’re going to visit Paris next year.