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Let's Talk About COVID-19

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three safe and fun activities you can do outdoors during a pandemic?
Hiking, sledding, walking the dog, etc.
What is the RIGHT way to wear a mask?
Covering your mouth AND nose.
What can you do to improve your communication while wearing a mask?
Speak up, make eye contact, move your mouth more when speaking.
What is the hardest part about wearing a mask?
Answers vary.
What activity are you looking forward to doing when the pandemic is over (movies, restaurant, party?)
Answers vary.
How did you feel on special days/holidays over the past year? What was different?
Answers vary.
What is the worst and best thing about using ZOOM?
Answers vary.
What are some ways in which SCHOOL has changed during COVID-19? Good or bad?
Answers vary.
Did your family learn any new games or try any new activities during the pandemic?
Answers vary.
Have you been in quarantine? How did that feel?
Answers vary.
What are the three most important safety measures we have used during COVID-19?
Wearing masks, social distancing, frequent hand washing.
What is the meaning of the word "pandemic"?
Answers vary.
What are you most looking forward to when things are back to normal?
Answers vary.
Do you enjoy virtual learning? Why or why not?
Answers vary.
What is something you have worried about during the pandemic?
Answers vary.
What was your favorite meal (at home or takeout) during COVID?
Answers vary.
Have you developed a new habit or hobby during COVID?
Answers vary.
What is a "silver lining" about the pandemic (what has been good)?
Answers vary.
What is something you have learned during the pandemic?
Answers vary.
What is the worst thing about living through this pandemic?
Answers vary.