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Past, Present, Present

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I _____ him a present for Christmas.
I gave him a present for Christmas.
I ______ so many questions after class!
I had so many questions after class!
I ___________ late.
I am running late.
We ________ many verb tenses in class. I _______ like it. (learn, did)
We learned many verb tenses in class. I didn't like it.
I _____ my favorite song at the gym yesterday.
I sang my favorite song at the gym yesterday.
I _____ at 8 last night.
I ate at 8 last night.
I ______ confused last class. I ______ to my teacher about it. (speak)
I was confused last class. I spoke to my teacher about it.
What are TWO TIMES we use the present continuous? ( to be + verb + ING)
Temporary situations or things that will change; present actions, actions happening in the present but not right this second (like reading in my free time)
It usually ______ in Pittsburgh in winter.
It usually snows in Pittsburgh in winter.
I always ______ by bus to school.
I always travel by bus to school.
Bill never __________ to pay the bills.
Bill never remembers to pay the bills.
When are TWO TIMES we use the simple present? (verb form, verb +s for he/she)
To talk about habits or schedules; to talk about things that are usually true; fixed time
They ______________ married someday.
They will get married someday.
I ____________ about leaving my job soon.
I am thinking about leaving my job soon.
My mother ______ me every Sunday to check on me.
My mother calls me every Sunday to check on me.
My favorite food _______ chicken when I was a child.
My favorite food was chicken when I was a child.
Jim _______ every morning before work.
Jim runs every morning before work.
I _______________ in Pittsburgh at the moment.
I am living in Pittsburgh at the moment.
I ______ every day at eight.
I teach every day at eight.
She _________________ to the music right now.
She is dancing to the music right now.
I _______ for eight hours last night.
I slept for eight hours last night.
I ____ to the store last week. (go)
I went to the store last week.
Is class ________ right now?
Is class starting right now?
I _______ coffee right now.
I am drinking coffee right now.