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SpeakOut Int Unit 8 Communities

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When * unemployment is high, it's difficult for * people to find * work. It's * big problem.
When unemployment is high, it's difficult for people to find work. It's a big problem.
I won't be home for * dinner this evening. I'm meeting some friends after * work and we're going to * cinema.
I won't be home for dinner this evening. I'm meeting some friends after work and we're going to the cinema.
I love * sport, especially * tennis. I play two or three times * week if I can, but I'm not * very good player.
I love sport, especially tennis. I play two or three times a week if I can, but I'm not a very good player.
Helen is * economist. She lives in * United States and works for * investment company.
Helen is an economist. She lives in the United States and works for an investment company.
If you go to live in * foreign country, you should try and learn * language.
If you go to live in a foreign country, you should try and learn the language.
I don't usually like staying at * hotels, but last summer we spent two weeks at * very nice hotel by * sea.
I don't usually like staying at hotels, but last summer we spent two weeks at a very nice hotel by the sea.
Stay for dinner, we’ve got plenty/lot of food.
Stay for dinner, we’ve got plenty of food.
The lesson was so much fun that no/none of the students wanted to leave at the end.
The lesson was so much fun that none of the students wanted to leave at the end.
Yuck! There’s too much/plenty ketchup on this burger! It’s swimming in sauce!
Yuck! There’s too much ketchup on this burger! It’s swimming in sauce!
I’ve only got a a few/few days of my holiday left.
I’ve only got few days of my holiday left.
I like some/much English food, but not all of it.
I like some English food, but not all of it.
We need someone in the office which/that speaks German.
We need someone in the office that speaks German.
That was the moment –/that changed my life forever.
That was the moment that changed my life forever.
Kevin’s the guy –/whose you need to speak to about this.
Kevin’s the guy you need to speak to about this.
John’s cottage, which we stayed in/that we stayed on holiday, is in a beautiful part of the country.
John’s cottage, which we stayed in on holiday, is in a beautiful part of the country.
This is the phone where/that I got for my birthday.
This is the phone that I got for my birthday.