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Adjectives + prepositions B2 (2/2)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Arnold is surprised ...
at the rapid progress his students are making.
with the attitude of his students in class.
on how nice the weather is in Valencia.
in himself.
This video game is suitable ...
for all ages.
of children older than 6.
with up to eight players.
on adults only.
David is extremely nervous ...
about his exam.
in his date next Saturday.
on what his mom's going to say when he tells her the truth.
of uploading his first YouTube video.
Ines is very keen ...
on getting good marks in school.
of listening to audio books.
in going to the beach in summer.
off pink dresses.
Isabella was furious ...
with her best friend.
about me.
after her mom.
of Pedro Sanchez.
Hugo is really disappointed ....
with his mum for forgetting his birthday.
to his team mates.
in his volleyball coach.
for his grades.
I often get annoyed ...
by people who don't listen when I'm speaking.
for people who arrive late.
with my sister.
in my loud neighbours.
Jason is addicted ....
to comic books.
on drugs.
with video games.
for hamburgers.