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Be Curious Level 1 ALL UNITS

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Choose the correct option.
He's got long legs.
He's got a big head.
He hasn't got short hair.
Choose the correct option.
He's got a big head.
He's got short legs.
He's got long hair.
He's got a small bike.
Choose the correct option.
There are a lot of books.
There is a lot of books.
There aren't a lot of books.
There is a lot of toys.
Choose the correct option.
The boy loves the bear.
The boy doesn't like the bear.
The bear is eating the boy.
The boy likes ice cream.
What is it?
It's a balloon.
It's a ball.
It's a bean.
It's a banana.
Choose the correct option.
Pikachu is sad.
Pikachu is angry.
Pikachu is happy.
Pikachu is pink.
What are they?
They're eggs.
They're chickens.
They're happy.
They're beans.
Choose the correct option.
The girl is angry.
The girl is happy.
The girl has got black hair.
The girl is sad.
Where's the board game?
It's on the table.
It's under the table.
It's in the table.
Bananas are my favourite fruit.
What's the notebook made of?
It's made of paper.
I love notebooks.
It's made of metal.
It's made of wood.
Choose the correct option.
The dolls have big eyes.
The boys have big eye.
The dolls like hambugers.
The dolls have short hair.
What is it?
It's a board game.
It's a game board.
It's a bame goard.
It's my grandma.
Translate: Me encantan las hamburguesas.
I love hamburgers.
I like going to the beach.
The hamburger is happy.
I like the hamburgers.
Choose the correct option.
The chairs are made of plastic.
The chairs are made of wood.
The swimming pool is full of Coca-Cola.
The swimming pool is made of paper.
Choose the correct option.
The monster's got a big mouth.
The monster's got two mouths.
The monster's got a big eye.
The monster's got big ears.
Choose the correct option.
The monster hasn't got arms.
The monster's got three eyes.
The monster's got two blue eyes.
The monster's got five fingers.
What's the chair made of?
It's made of metal.
It's made of plastic.
It's made of wood.
I like hamburgers.
What's the table made of?
It's made of wood.
It's made of metal.
It's made of paper.
It's made of plastic.
Where are the children?
They're at the playground.
They're at home.
They're in the kitchen.
They're happy.
Where's the boy?
He's in the living room.
He's under the sofa.
He's on the television.
He's under the television.
What's the bag made of?
It's made of plastic.
It's made of clastip.
It's made of wood.
It's made of white.
What is it?
It's a plastic train.
It's a metal train.
It's a plastic bus.
It's a metal table.
What are they?
They're beans.
They're bananas.
They're bins.
They're mangoes.
Where is Elmo?
He's in the bathroom.
He's in the bedroom.
He's very happy.
He's funny!
What's the teddy made of?
It's made of fabric.
It's made of plastic.
It's made of metal.
It's made of wood.
Where is the teddy?
It's on the bed.
It's under the bed.
It's in the bed.
The teddy is happy.