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GRAMMAR RULES Modals of ability and possibility  ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I get a university degree, I WILL BE ABLE to get a good job. >>> In this sentence, WILL BE ABLE TO expresses...
a definite possibility or ability in the future.
a future disability
an intention
a definite ability in the present.
John MIGHT BE ABLE TO go to Mars some day. >>> In this sentence, MIGHT BE ABLE TO expresses...
a future ability or possibility which isn't certain.
a future disability
a general ability in the past
something which will never happen
She WAS ABLE TO speak French when she was only nine years old. >>> In this sentence, WAS/WERE ABLE TO expresses...
a general ability in the past
an ability in a specific situation in the past
a possibility in the future
a possibility in the past
Tom WAS ABLE TO convince the teacher not to give us a test that day. >>> In this sentence, WAS/WERE ABLE TO expresses...
an ability in a specific situation in the past
a general ability in the past
a possibility in the future
a possibility in the past
After failing my driver's exam five times, I eventually MANAGED TO pass it. >>> MANAGED TO + infinitive expresses
an ability in a specific situation in the past
a general ability in the past
a possibility in the future
a definite ability in the future
I COULD ride a bike when I was three years old! >>> COULD expresses...
a general ability in the past
an ability in a specific situation in the past
an ability in the future
a possibility in the past