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My musical hero Q&A

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Why does the writer admire her?
The writer admire her for her music and her work to help others.
What does War Child do?
War Child helps raise money for children in countries affected by war.
What is the name of the charity organization that Duffy recorded a song for?
The War Child Heroes charity
What else does she do beside her musical career?
She involves in charity work.
When did she release her second album?
in 2010
How many other awards was she nominated for?
2 other awards
What was the Grammy Award that she won?
She won the Grammy Award of Best Pop Vocal album.
When did she win the Grammy Award?
in 2009
What is the name of her first single from the album?
How many copies of her first album were sold?
1.68 million copies
What is her first album?
When did she become famous?
At the age of 24
What is her artistic name?
What does she do?
She is a singer-songwriter.
When was Duffy born?
She was born in 1984.
Where was Duffy born?
in Wales