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Comparatives Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My little brother is very _________. (明るい)
cheerful / bright
What is the opposite of short?
My father is very _________. (競争力のある)
Make a comparative sentence. (big)
The U.S. (America) is bigger than Japan. / Japan isn't bigger than the U.S. (America). / Japan is not as big as America.
My mother is very ______. (創造的な)
Make a comparative sentence. (exciting)
Surfiing is more (less) exciting than skiing. / Skiing is more (less) exciting than surfing.
My father is very ___________. (おしゃべりな)
What is the opposite of organized?
disorganized / unorganized
Make a comparative sentence. (more/less popular)
Twitter is more popular than Facebook (in Japan). / Facebook is less popular than Twitter (in Japan).
Jon is very ___________. (役に立つ、助けになる)
What is the opposite of high?
Make a comparative sentence. (young/old)
Tim is older than Jeff. / Jeff is younger than Tim.
A Whopper is _________ expensive than a Big Mac. (more/less)
A Whopper is less expensive than a Big Mac.
What is the opposite of baggy?
Make a comparative sentence. (tall/short)
Tokyo Tower is shorter than Tokyo Sky Tree. / Tokyo Sky Tree is taller than Tokyo Tower.
What is the opposite of straight?
curly / wavy
An elephant is __________ than a mouse. (big/small)
An elephant is bigger than a mouse.