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Ordinal numbers and dates

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When's your friend birthday? 15/ 10
It's on the fifteenth of October.
When's her party? 9/06
It's on the nineth of June.
When's your next trip? 23/ 05
It's on the twenty-third of May.
When's your sister birthday? 5/ 11
It's on the fifth of November.
When's the first day of summer?
It's on the twenty- first of June.
When's Valentine's Day?
It's on the fourteenth of February.
When's your english test? 22/02
It's on the twenty-second of February.
When's Tom's birthday? 30/ 08
It's on the thirtieth of August.
When's her birthday? 10/ 10
It's on the tenth of October.
What's the first month of the year?
It's January.
What is the eighth month of the year?
It's August.
What is the fourth month of the year?
It's April.
When's their wedding anniversary? 20/ 02
It's on the twentieth of February.
When's your birthday party? 12/ 06
It's on the twelfth of June.
When's your dad birthday? 21/08
It's on twenty- first of August.
When's your birthday party? 3/03
It's on the third of March
When is New Year?
It's on the first of January.
When is New Years Eve?
It's on the thirty- first of December.
When is Christmas Eve?
It's on the twenty- fourth of December.
When does the school start?
It starts on the first of September.
When's the Independence Day in the USA?
It's on the fourth of July.
When's Independence Day in Poland.
It's on the eleventh of November.
When's Halloween?
It's on the thirty- first of October.
When's his birthday? 2/07
It's on the second of July.
When's your birthday? 04/ 05
It's on the fourth of May.