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Have/has got

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are there two people in the picture? No _____ ______
No, There aren't.
Are there other photos? Yes, _____
Yes, there are.
_____ _____ beaches like that in England? (there is/there are)
Are there beaches like that in England?
____ _____ a dog in the garden? (there is/there are)
Is there a dog in the garden?
_____ ____ 12 students in this class. (there is/there are)
There are 12 students in this class.
______ _____ a photo of her on my phone. ( there is/there are)
There is a photo of her on my phone.
_____ he _____ a dog?
Has he got a dog?
Have you got curly hair? No, I ________
No, I haven't.
Has she got glasses? Yes, _____
Yes, she has.
______ they ____ long hair?
Have they got long hair?
He ______ _____ green eyes. (NOT)
He hasn't got green eyes.
I _______ ____ a sister. (NOT)
I haven't got a sister.
_____ she _____ blond hair?
Has she got blond hair?
I ____ ____ a brother.
I have got a brother.
He ______ _______ brown hair.
He has got brown hair.