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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When did I start to feel sick? (I'm not sure)
I'm not sure when I started to feel sick.
When is this pandemic going to end? (Do you know?)
Do you know when this pandemic is going to end?
Where are we going to have the class today? (Do you know?)
Do you know where we are going to have the class today?
Could I borrow some money from you? (I want to ask you)
I want to ask you if I could borrow some money from you.
Do you have any news for me? (I wonder)
I wonder if you have good news for me.
Why do I have such bad luck? (I'd like to know)
I'd like to know why I have such bad luck.
Who's the new couple in the neighborhood? (Do you know?)
Do you know who the new couple in the neghborhood is?
What day is it today? (Could you tell me?)
Could you tell me what day it is today?
Did you call me yesterday? (I wonder)
I wonder if you called me yesterday
Do you usually read books? (I'd like to know)
I'd like to know if you usually read books.
Is Valentine's day on Sunday? (Can you tell me?)
Can you tell me if Valentine's day is on Sunday?
Where is the library? (Do you know?)
Do you know where the library is?