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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What´s the opposite of DIFFICULT?
What´s the opposite of EXPENSIVE?
What´s the opposite of POOR?
What´s the opposite of NOISY?
What´s the opposite of OLD?
What´s the opposite of TALL?
What´s the opposite of HANSOME?
What´s the opposite of SINGLE?
What´s the opposite of BIG?
Are libraries noisy?
No, they aren´t. They´re quiet.
Is Las Vegas in California?
No, it isn´t. It´s in Nevada.
Is he Donald Duck?
No, he isn´t. He´s Mickey Mouse.
Is Angela Agular a singer?
Yes, she is.
Is Vicente Fernandez a soccer player?
No, he isn´t. He´s a singer.
Are Iphones cheap?
No, they aren´t. They´re expensive.
Is Adier present?
Yes, he is.
Are Ariana and Tesera absent?
No, they aren´t. They´re present/here.
Is she noisy?
Yes, she is.
Is the golden toothbrush cheap?
No, it isn´t. It´s expensive.
Are they rich?
Yes, they are.
Is the mouse big?
No, it isn´t. It´s small/little.
Is he handsome?
No, he isn´t. He´s ugly.
Is the car old.
Yes, it is.
Is he thin?
No, he isn´t. He´s heavy.
Are giraffes short?
No, they aren´t. They´re tall.
Are they single?
No, they aren´t. They´re married.
Is he AMLO?
No, he isn´t. He´s Peña Nieto