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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 green vegetables.
Peas Beans Broccoli
Name 3 Smelly Things.
Garbage Feet
Name 3 things you can put on a pizza.
Cheese Sausage Pepperoni
Name 3 pink things.
Flamingos Pigs Grapefruit
Name 3 words that start with K.
Kangaroo Kite Kiss
Name 3 things that make your parents happy.
Doing chores Doing homework Not fighting with brothers and sisters
Name 3 animals that start with M.
Monkey Meerkat Mink
Name 3 Jobs.
Chef Teacher Doctor
Name 3 words that rhyme with pan.
Fan Man Ran
Name 3 things you can write with.
Pen Pencil Marker
Name 3 continents.
Asia North America South America Antarctica Europe Africa
Name 3 ice cream flavors.
Strawberry Chocolate Mint
Name 3 cleaning tools.
Mop Broom Duster
Name 3 different kinds of candy.
M & M s Sucker Starburst
Name 3 loud sounds.
Car horn Tuba Cymbals
Name 3 words that start with O.
Octopus Onion Off
Name 3 things you can see in the sky.
Moon Star Airplane
Name 3 things you can drink.
Water Soda Coffee
Name 3 things with a zipper.
Purse Pants Backpack
Name 3 reptiles.
Snake Crocodile Lizard
Name 3 fruits.
Watermelon Orange Lemon
Name 3 ocean animals.
Shark Jellyfish Whale
Name 3 insects.
Dragonfly Ladybug Bee
Name 3 places to eat.
Kitchen Restaurant Cafeteria
Name 3 types of transportation.
Boat Car Airplane
Name 3 people in 5th grade
Kaylee, Diana, Jorge
Name 3 people in 4th grade
RJaylen, Hykeem, Jordan
Name 3 people in your homeroom class
Kamora, Brielle, Skyler
Name 3 kinds of cars
ford, honda, chevy
Name 3 teachers
brown, davis, stewart
Name 3 drinks
milk, coke, tea
name 3 kinds of trees
palm, oak, peach
name 3 things that live in the sea
shark, whale, starfish
Name 3 subjects at school
math reading science
name 3 flowers
rose daisy lily
name three movies
lion king, Moana, Call of the Wild
name three colors
red blue green
name three wet things
rain, pool, shower
name three things they serve in the lunchroom at school
s s s
name 3 things you do before bed