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Monster descriptions

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's got...
It's got one tail. It's got two legs. It's got six toes.
Describe the monster. Say three sentences.
It's got two big wings. It's got a long neck. It's got two eyes.
Is Mike big or small?
Mike is small.
Describe the monster. Say three sentences.
It's got three eyes. It's got two horns. It's got a tail.
TRUE or FALSE - It's green. It's got six eyes. It's got two legs and two arms.
TRUE or FALSE - It's got one green horn. It's got three legs. It's got two wings.
TRUE or FALSE - It's got one eye. It's got three teeth. It's pink.
It's got...
It's got two legs. It's got two horns. It's got four teeth. It's got glasses.
How many teeth has the monster got?
It's got seventeen teeth.
What colour is the monster?
It's pink
What colour is the monster?
It's green.
What body part is this?
It's got...
It's two wings. It's got one horn. It's got one eye. It's got eleven big teeth.
It's got...
It's got two legs. It's got one eye. It's got two horns. It's got two arms. It's purple and green.
What body part is this?
What body part is this?
What body part is this?
What body part is this?
What body part is this?
What body part is this?
What body part is this?
A tail
Describe the monster. Say three sentences.
It's pink. It's got three eyes. It's got two arms. It's got six toes.
Describe the monster. Say three sentences.
It's blue and big. It's got two arms and two legs. It's got fur. It's got two horns. It's got big teeth. It's got a tail.
Describe the monster. Say three sentences.
It's green. It's got one big eye. It's got two legs. It's got two horns. It's got two arms.