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English class A2 unit 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ona nie odkurza pokoju w tym momencie
She isn't vacuuming the room at the moment
My nie opróżniamy zmywarki często
We don't often empty the dishwasher
Oni nie nakrywają do stołu teraz
They aren't setting the table now
Mój brat nie karmi teraz psa
My brother isn't feeding the dog now
(you/ listen) to music?
Are you listening to music?
________(my sister/ watch TV)?
Is my sister watching TV?
________(they/ sing) often?
Do they often sing?
We _______(not/ talk) usually
don't usually talk
It ______(not/rain)
isn't raining
I _______ (read) a book at the moment.
am reading
John and Mandy_________ (clean) the kitchen.
are cleaning
1) I (play) ________the piano now.
am playing
podlewać rośliny
water the plants
odkurzać w pokoju
vacuum your room
wynosić śmieci
take out the rubbish
nakryć do stołu
set the table
poukładać ubrania
put away your clothes
pościelić łózko
make your bed
załadować pralkę
load the washing machine
załadować zmywarkę
load the dishwasher
prasować podkoszulkę
iron your T-shirt
wywiesić pranie
hang out the washing
nakarmić psa
feed the dog
opróżniać zmywarkę
empty the dishwasher
sprzątnąć ze stołu
clear the table