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Marcus Chan

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of online lessons?
What platform do you use? What do you think about it?
Good one!
What do you think of online lessons?
Great answer!
What questions fo you have for us?
Good thinking!
Why did you apply for this school?
I applied for this school because...
What is your definition of a good teacher?
In my opinion...
How can you stay healthy?
Health is the key to happynes!
How do you protect the environment?
Good on you!
What country do you like to visit? Why?
What a beautiful country!
Why is it lucky that you live in Hong Kong?
Lucky you!
What are your expectations of secondary school life?
Good answer!
Which is the most important, friendship, family or money? Why?
Good choice!
Are friends important to you? Why?
Brilliant answer!
How do you choose your friends?
Wise answer!
Tell me about your best friend?
Are you a member in any school activities?
For sure!
What are your favorite school activities?
They are fun!
What is your favorite subject?
My favorite subject is...
Why do you want to study in our school?
Good reasons!
What club would you like to join if you study in secondary school?
Great choice!
Do you like your primary school?
Yes or No
What personal achievement are you most proud of?
You should be proud!
What has been your biggest challenge?
Mission acomplished!
What are three things you would like to improve?
When there's a will there's a way!
What is your strength / weakness?
Positive mind!
What are you good at?
What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
Sounds fun!
How would you describe your relationship with your family?
That's sweet!
How many memebers are there in your family?
Well done!
Tell me abour your family?
Lovely family!
Do you read any English books? Please introduce it.
What a great book!
Do you think you are a good leader? Why?
Always think positive!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Thats amazing!
What are your three favorite things about yourself?
How would you describe yourself?
I would describe myself as...
What do you do for fun?
What film / book do you like best? Who is your favorite character in the film / book?
Well done!
What is your unforgattable experience?
Fantastic answer!
What is your favorite food / festival / subject?
Great answer!
What is your favorite hobby?
My favorite hobby is...
Where do you live?
I live in...
Where are you from?
I am from...
How old are you?
Well done!
What is your name?
Please introduce yourself / your family.
Well done