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Valentine's Day Riddles

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did the caveman give his wife on Valentine's Day?
Ugggs and kisses!
What did the bat say to his Valentine?
You're fun to hang out with!
What did the cat say to his Valentine?
You're puuuuurfect to me!
What did the bear say to his Valentine?
I love you beary much!
Why did the boy put candy under his pillow?
He wanted sweet dreams
I am somewhere people might go to eat for a Valentine's Day dinner! Where am I?
A restaurant
I can be a crunchy treat that people give each other for Valentine's Day. I can be salty, or have cheese on me. I could also have sugar or caramel and even chocolate. People eat me at the movie theater. What am I?
I smell nice but I am not a perfume. I come surrounded by many alike me. People give me to each other for Valentine's Day. What am I?
A bouquet of flowers
I am a cube but I am not an ice. You shake me and roll me when you play. What am I?
I am always sweet and sugary. I am hard to bite but I melt with some licks. What am I?
A lollipop
You write on me and then give me away. I tell you secrets and feelings but I do not talk. What am I?
Which one of Santa’s reindeer can be seen on Valentine’s Day? 
I am a cup but you don't drink from me. I am a small cake but still as yummy. What am I?
A cupcake
I can be in a bowl or on a cone. You can lick me or scoop me. What am I?
Ice cream
I can make your heart flutter. You can pick me from the garden or buy me from a shop. What am I?
It sometimes comes as a slab. And sometimes comes as a chip. And sometimes it is a bar. Or fondue in which to dip. What am I?
What kind of flower would you never give on Valentine's Day?
What starts with E and ends with E and only has one love letter in it?
An envelope
It could be delivered by mail, email, by hand or by a pigeon, it is sometimes short, lengthy with deep, profound or simple feelings. What is it?
A love letter
You’ll find me in a bee, in a comb, in cakes, in a bunch, in a bun and even in mustard. What am I?
Mostly worn by women or girls, this is sometimes shiny like silver or gold, and sometimes it is made of pearls
You see me in the rainbows, you see me on Valentine’s Day, you see me in a busy street, and my blood turns this color when oxygen and I meet. What am I?
The Color Red
White, dark, round, square, big or small, I am seen on Valentine’s Day, and loved by all. What am I?
You can find me inside your body but not below the waist or in your tummy. I am located in the upper part and I am a symbol of love. What am I?
Your Heart