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Thoughts and Feelings for Kids 2

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mike's English teacher calls on him to read out loud in class. He makes a few mistakes, but he laughs it off and continues reading with a smile. He knows that it's okay to make mistakes. How do you think Mike is feeling?
Calm, Confident
Mike's English teacher calls on him to read out loud in class. He reads slowly and makes a few mistakes. He forgets to breathe, and he starts to feel dizzy. How do you think Mike is feeling?
Nervous, Anxious, Insecure
A boy in Natalie's class makes an offensive joke about COVID. "We shouldn't make jokes about that," she says calmly. "It could hurt someone's feelings." How is Natalie feeling?
Calm, Confident
Natalie's mother started coughing today, and Natalie thinks she might have COVID. When she logs onto her computer for school, a boy in her class makes an offensive joke about COVID. "Shut up," Natalie yells at him. How is Natalie feeling?
Scared, Worried, Anxious
Karlos and his father are going to the grocery store to buy food. He reminds himself that he is safe as long as he keeps his mask up and washes his hands. "We'll be okay," he thinks. How do you think Karlos is feeling?
Calm, Confident
Karlos and his father are going to the grocery store to buy food. He thinks about all the people in the store who might have COVID, and his heart starts to race. How do you think Karlos is feeling?
Scared, Nervous, Anxious
Alanna's family just moved, and today is her first day at her new school. As she looks at herself in her bedroom mirror, she thinks, "Today is going to be a great day!" How do you think Alanna is feeling?
Happy, Excited, Confident
Alanna's family just moved, and today is her first day at her new school. As she looks at herself in her bedroom mirror, she thinks, "God, I'm so ugly. No one is going to like me." How do you think Alanna is feeling?
Nervous, Anxious, Insecure
Kevin gets a bad grade in Mr. Grady's English class. His face feels hot, and his hands start to shake. "Whatever," he yells at Mr. Grady. "You're a bad teacher!" How do you think Kevin is feeling?
Angry, Frustrated, Embarrassed
Mr. Grady is an English teacher. One day in class, he has to give a student a bad grade because the student didn't do his work. The student yells, "Whatever, I hate your class! You're a bad teacher!" How do you think Mr. Grady is feeling?
Sad, Hurt, Angry, Guilty
Peter is playing Apex Legends on his PS4 when a kid in the game calls him a rude name. Peter starts yelling back. He loses the game and throws the controller across the room. How do you think Peter is feeling?
Angry, Frustrated
Peter is playing Apex Legends on his PS4 when a kid in the game calls him a rude name. "Whatever," he says. He continues playing and has a good time. How do you think Peter is feeling?
Calm, Confident
Karla is about to go on stage to sing for her school talent show. The boy who sang before her sounded really good, but she knows that she will sound good too. She smiles and steps onto the stage. How do you think Karla is feeling?
Excited, Confident
Karla is about to go on stage to sing for her school talent show. The boy who sang before her sounded really good. "I can't do this," she thinks. "I'm going to forget the words!" How do you think Karla is feeling?
Nervous, Anxious
Jose is trying out for his school's football team. While he watches the other kids, he notices that they are all taller than he is. His heart beats quickly, and he starts to sweat. How do you think Jose is feeling?
Nervous, Anxious
Jose is trying out for his school's football team. He's been practicing all year and knows that he has what it takes to be a great athlete. "I can do this," he thinks to himself. How do you think Jose is feeling?
Excited, Proud