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Present Simple vs Past Simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My mum .... (make) a delicious cake last week
I usually ... (sleep) until late at the weekend
Yesterday, I .... (wake) up at 10:30
He ..... (write) his first book when he ...... (be) 16 years old.
wrote / was
Someone .... (steal) her handbag two weeks ago
They .... (pay) the bill, then they .... (leave) the restaurant.
paid / left
I ... (have) a surprise birthday party last year
I .... (feel) very sick last night.
.... you .... (eat) a lot of pizza when you .... (be) in Rome?
did / eat / were
I ... (buy) some new clothes last week, but I .... (not spend) too much money.
bought / didn't spend
We ..... (go) to a horrible restaurant two days ago.
- ..... you ...... (speak) French? - No, I don't
do / speak
How ...... you ....... (meet) you best friend?
did / meet
My brother ... (watch) TV everyday.
On our last holidays, we ... (take) lots of nice pictures with the phone
I .... (not understand). Can you explain it again, please?
don't understand
My cousin ..... (break) her arm while she was riding a horse.
I ...... (not visit) my grandparents last week. I feel bad!
didn't visit
He ...... (not like) football
doesn't like