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Present Perfect with already/yet

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We ____ (not finish) the project. It should be handed in yesterday.
We haven’t finished the project yet.
Kevin ____ (post) the letters. Now he is at home.
Kevin has already posted the letters.
____ they ____ (dress) up for the party? We are so late!
Have they dressed up for the party yet?
I ____ (prepare) breakfast. Come here and eat.
I have already prepared breakfast.
Sara ____ (not/start) the project. She is late.
Sara hasn´t started the project yet
My mother ____ (make) a cake, but my birthday is next week.
My mother has already made a cake.
My younger sister ____ (do) the dishes. Now she is taking a shower.
My younger sister has already done the dihes.
Mom, ____ you ____ (finish) cooking the dinner? I’m hungry.
Mom, have you finished cooking the dinner yet?
I am hungry. I ____ (not/eat).
I am hungry. I haven´t eaten yet.
Where is Josie? She is not here. She ____ (leave).
She has already left
____ you ____ (learn) the English verbs?
Have you learned the English verbs yet? / Have you already learned the English verbs?