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Valentine's Day Wh-Questions

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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People send XOXO on cards and through texts. What does 'XO' mean?
hugs and kisses
please stop
What season is Valentine's Day in?
What is a popular gift to give someone on Valentine's Day?
Teddy Bear, Chocolates, Jewelry, Valentine's Card, Flowers
Would you rather receive chocolates or cupcakes for Valentine's Day.
I would rather receive _______.
Just for fun, can you make a heart with your hands? or draw a heart on the screen?
I can make a heart.
What is something you might say in a Valentine's card to your friends or family?
"I love you"
What angelic figure is associated with Valentine's Day? He has a bow and arrow.
Scooby Doo
What is the most popular flower to give on Valentine's Day?
A Rose
A Lily
What are the colors of Valentine's day?
Pink, Purple, Red
Black, Blue, Green
How should we treat our friends?
Be kind and nice, Golden Rule
Be rude and mean
How do you show someone you love or care about them?
Do something nice for them, Help them, Be a good friend, Be kind
What is your favorite Valentine's candy or treat?
My favorite candy is _________. (Candy hearts, chocolate, cupcakes, cookies)
What is something we make and decorate and give to the people we love on Valentine's Day?
A Valentine's Card
A Birthday Card
What do we celebrate on Valentine's Day?
We celebrate Love, Friendship
What shape is a symbol for Valentine's Day?
A Heart
A Star
Who do you love? and Why?
I love my __________. (mom, dad, brother, sister, grandparents, family, friends)
What day is Valentine's Day?
February 14th
July 4th