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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Gerunds) Sam / keen on / go shopping?
Is Sam keen on going shopping?
(Gerunds) What / Mark / bad at / do?
What is Mark bad at doing?
(Gerunds) What / Tim and Sue / enjoy / do?
What do Tim and Sue enjoy doing?
(Gerunds) Simon / interested in / play football?
Is Simon interested in playing football?
(Gerunds) Sue / like / playing computer games?
Does Sue like playing computer games?
(Gerunds) Sandy / like / playing volleyball?
Does Sandy like playing volleyball?
(Gerunds) Pete and Debbie / hate / watch TV?
Do Pete and Debbie hate watching TV?
(Gerunds) Sarah / good at / play football.
Sarah is good at playing football.
(Gerunds) Paul / not interested in / watch TV.
Paul isn't interested in watching TV.
(Gerunds) Tim and Sue / love / watch TV.
Tim and Sue love watching TV.
(Gerunds) Maggie / not keen on / play tennis.
Maggie isn't keen on playing tennis.
(Gerunds) Simon / like / play computer games.
Simon likes playing computer games.
(Present simple or present continuous?) you / relax now?
Are you relaxing now?
(Present simple or present continuous?) you always / do your homework in your bedroom?
Do you always do your homework in your bedroom?
(Present simple or present continuous?) your teacher usually / speak in English?
Does your teacher usually speak in English?
(Present simple or present continuous?) What / your friends / do now?
What are your friends doing now?
(Present simple or present continuous?) you / watch TV at the moment?
Are you watching TV at the moment?
(Present simple or present continuous?) How often / you / go shopping?
How often do you go shopping?
(Present simple or present continuous?) They / not do / sports / at the weekend.
They don't do sports at the weekend.
(Present simple or present continuous?) We / study English / three times a week.
We study English three times a week.
(Present simple or present continuous?) She / not play / the guitar / on Friday.
She doesn't play the guitar on Friday.
(Present simple or present continuous?) I / not relax / now.
I'm not relaxing now.
(Present simple or present continuous?) Jamie / play a computer game / at the moment.
Jamie is playing a computer game at the moment.
(Present simple or present continuous?) Sally / use the computer / every day.
Sally uses the computer every day.