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Have to and Must

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Something you should do when you're in Barcelona.
You should visit the Sagrada Familia.
Something you shouldn't do in winter.
You shouldn't swim in the sea.
Something you have to do before leaving the supermarket.
You have to pay.
Something you shouldn't do at the supermarket.
You shouldn't take frozen items first.
Something you shouldn't do when you're with friends.
You shouldn't lie to them.
Something you should do when you're at the beach on a very sunny day.
You should use sunscreen.
Something you should do at school.
You should pay attention in class.
Something you should do on the bus.
You should offer your seat to a pregnant lady.
Something you have to do when you walk your dog in the streets.
You have to put the dog on a leash.
Something you don't have to do on the tram.
You don't have to give your seat to a pregnant woman.
Something you must do at the English academy.
You must speak English.
Something you don't have to do at your grandparents' home.
You don't have to clean the house.
Something you have to do while riding a bike.
You have to push the pedals.
Something you don't have to do at the beach.
You don't have to wear clothes.
Something you mustn't do at the beach.
You mustn't go into the sea if the red flag is up.
Something you mustn't do in school.
You mustn't talk when the teacher is explaining something.
Something you have to do in school.
You have to sit down in class.
Something you don't have to do on a plane.
You don't have to wear your seatbelt when the seatbelt light is off.
Something you mustn't do on a plane.
You mustn't smoke.
Something you must do on a plane.
You must stay seated during take-off and landing.
Something you don't have to do in traffic.
You don't have to turn your lights on during the day.
Something you mustn't do in traffic.
You mustn't drive faster than the speed limit.
Something you have to do in traffic.
You have to stop for a red light.