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How old are you? - PT1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Q: How old is Mary and Alice? A: ____________________. (14 and 15)
They're fourteen and fifteen (years old).
Q: ___________________(my teacher)? A: My teacher is thirty-two years old.
How old is your teacher?
Q: How old is Mark's sister? A: ________________. (21)
She's twenty-one (years old).
Q: ________________ (your grandmother)? A: She's sixty-five.
How old is your grandmother?
Q: How old are your parents? A: _____________________ (45 and 54)
They're forty-five and fifty-four (years old).
Q: ______________ (brothers) ? A: Nick is thirteen and John is sixteen.
How old are your brothers?
Q: How old is she? A: ________________.
She's twenty OR She's twenty years old.
Q: ________________? A: He's twenty-five.
How old is he?
Q: How old are they? A: ________________.
He's twelve and she's fourteen.
Q: How old are they? A: ______________.
They're fifteen OR They're fifteen years old.
Q: ________________? A: She's sixteen.
How old is she?
Q: How old is he? A: _____________.
He's fourteen OR He's fourteen years old.