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FCE Speaking Exam

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In part 1 the examiner will ask you about ...
your personal life, relationships, hobbies, past experiences, future plans, work/study, likes/dislikes
Part 4 is called...
the discussion
Part 3 is called...
the collaborative task
Part 2 is called...
the long turn
Part 1 is called ...
the interview
Eye contact and body language are important in the speaking exam (True / Talse?)
True - you should look at the person who you are talking to (examiner / partner) and turn your body to face them. Avoid looking at the table / crossing arms
In part 4 your answers should ...
be longer / detailed / give explanations & reasons / respond to what your partner has said (if relevant)
In part 4 you should talk to ... (yourself / your partner / the examiner)
your partner + the examiner
In part 4 the examiner will ask you questions related to ...
part 3
You can prepare for part 3 by studying language for...
giving & asking opinions / agreein & disagreeing / informal conversational expressions / comparing / giving reasons and explanations
In part 3 task 2 you MUST AGREE with your partner. (True / False?)
False - you may disagree poiltely
In part 3 task 2 you have to ...
make a decision with your partner
In part 3 task 1 you have to ...
to talk to your partner and discuss a question and 5 possible options.
In part 3 there are __ parts.
If you don't know a specific word you should ...
paraphrase (use other words to talk about that thing) / use synonyms / describe it
You can prepare for part 2 by studying ...
comparative language / modal verbs of deduction
In part 2 when you talk about your partner's photos you should speak for ....
about 20-30 seconds.
In part 2 you will talk about YOUR 2 photographs for .....
1 minute
In part 2 you shouldn't...
describe the photos!
You can prepare for part 1 by learning ....
learning (B2 level) vocabulary related to your life, hobbies future etc / grammar: past, present and future forms.
In part 1 your answers should...
be full sentences / include details & explanations / last for about 20secs / not be too short.