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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Riding a scooter is cooler than riding a bike.
Skateboards are the best way to get around.
You should have to ride a bike or walk everywhere.
Parents should control their kids money and kids shouldn't have their own banks.
We should get Fridays off every week.
Everyone should be remote learning right now.
We should go to school year round, instead of getting summers off.
The coolest zoo animal is a penguin!
Cats are better than dogs.
School should be 12 months a year.
The greatest book of all time are the I Survived books!
The best snack is chips and salsa.
1st grade is the best grade.
Kindergarten is the best grade in school!
September is the best month of the year.
Mondays are the best day of the week.
Grapes are the best fruit!
Everyone should have to ride the bus to school.
Wonder Woman is better than Captain America.
Cookies are the best dessert.
People shouldn't be able to drive until they are 25.
Math is the only thing we should learn at school.
McDonalds is the best restaurant in the world!
Winter is the best season of the year!
Blue eyes are the prettiest color eyes.
The best sandwich ever is a grilled cheese!
The best pet ever is a parrot.
Plants v. Aliens is the best video game.
Spiderman is the best superhero EVER!