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Zero and first conditionals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When water _______ (reach) 100 degrees, it _______.( boil)
reaches/ boils
If you ______(touch) fire, you _____ (get) burned.
touch / get
Plants ____ (die) if you (not/water) them
die / don't water
If he .........(come) , I will be  surprised.
I feel good the next day if I ...........(go) to bed early.
If you ............(smoke) , you ......... (get) yellow fingers.
smoke/ get
If we .............(eat) all this cake, we .............(feel) sick.
eat / will feel
We ..........(go) to the party if we .............(be) invited.
will go / are
I ..........(come) early, if you ................. (want).
will come / want
If I ..........(not/go) to bed early, I................ (be) tired tomorrow.
don't go / will be
If the weather .......(not/improve) , we ...............(not/have) a picnic.
doesn't improve / won't have
If we .........(not/see) each other tomorrow, we will see each other next week.
don't see 
If I .........(be) bored tonight, I ...........(go) to the cinema.
am / will go
If you ....... (heat) ice, it ........(melt).
heat / melts
If children ...........(not/eat) well, they ..............(not/be) healthy.
don't eat / aren't
If Julie ..............(not/wear) a hat, she .............(get) sunstroke.
doesn't wear / will get
If you .............. (mix) water and electricity, you ............ (get) a shock.
mix / get