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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She wouldn't pay cash if she [have/ will have/ would have/ had] a credit card.
If you need the car in the afternoon, I [go/ will go/ would go/ went] shopping in the morning.
will go
If you (wash) __________ the dishes, I (cook) __________ dinner tonight.
wash; will cook
I (go)__________ jogging with Tom and Sue if they (be) __________ here this week.
could/would go; were
If the weather (be / not) __________ too bad tomorrow, we (play) __________ golf.
isn't / will play
If I (have) __________ more time, I (learn) __________to play the guitar.
had, would learn
[Reported Speech] (command/request)
said to somebody/ told something (not) to do something
[Reported Speech] (Yes-No questions)
asked/ wanted to know/ wondered + IF/ WHETHER + SVO
[Reported Speech] (Wh-questions)
asked/ wanted to know/ wondered + WH-WORD + SVO
[Reported Speech] congratulate
congratulate something on (doing) something
[Reported Speech] accuse
accuse somebody of doing something
[Reported Speech] insist
insist on somebody doing something
[Reported Speech] apologize
apologize somebody for doing something
[Reported Speech] tomorrow
the following day/ the next day
[Reported Speech] last week
the previous week
[Reported Speech] promise
promise to do something/ promise (somebody) something
[Reported Speech] suggest
suggest doing something/ suggest that somebody SHOULD do something