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action against those in authority, against the rules, or against normal and accepted ways of behaving
a set of actions or words performed in a regular way, often as part of a religious ceremony
Religious ritual
of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time
modern and influenced by the most recent fashions or ideas
How old is 'the ice man'?
around 4000 years old
Did many famous men in Elizabethan England pierce their ears?
Yes, they did.
What thing did men in Elizabethan England wear in their ears?
gold rings
Why did the body piercing lose its rebellious meaning?
Because more and more film and sports stars were getting pierced, young people wanted to imitate them.
What happened to body piercing in the United States in the 1960s?
It became a form of rebellion for young people.
Why did sailors in Elizabethan England wear earrings?
because they thought they could see better and pay for their funerals
What did Africans put in after piercing their ears?
The high priests of the Aztecs had a tongue piercing because it was a part of a______ _______.
religious ritual
Why was body piercing popular with the Pharaohs in Egypt and important people in Rome?
because it was a symbol of courage and class
Where was Otzi found?
in a glacier, near Austrian-Italian border
Why did some Africans pierce their ears?
to stop demons from entering the body
Why did the Pharaohs use piercing?
to show their higher class and also courage
Why did the Aztecs pierce their tongues?
to communicate better with the gods
Why is Otzi called "the ice man"?
he was found in a glacier, where he was preserved in the ice