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Superlatives and Comparatives with Clothes

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Compare the boots.
The brown boot is longer than the grey one.
Compare the coats.
The green coat is warmer than the brown one.
Compare the gloves.
The black gloves are longer than the brown ones.
Compare the wallets.
The black wallet is more beautiful than the pink one.
The white sweater is _____________ (short) than the blue one.
The white sweater is shorter than the blue one.
The striped hat is ______________ (small) than the colorful one.
The striped hat is smaller than the colorful one.
These are ________________ (funny) socks in my collection.
These are the funniest socks in my collection.
The black suit is _________________ (elegant) the grey one.
The black suit is more elegant than the grey one.
This is ______________ (old) blouse in the closet.
This is the oldest blouse in the closet.
This is ______________ (interesting) skirt in the shop.
This is the most interesting skirt in the shop.
The third shoe is _______________ (dark) the second one.
The third shoe is darker than the second one.
The red bag is ____________ (big) one in the picture.
The red bag is the biggest one in the picture.
The blue T-shirt is _________________ (cheap) item in the shop.
The blue T-shirt is the cheapest item in the shop.
The blue shirt is _________________ (expensive) the white one.
The blue shirt is more expensive than the white one.
The yellow dress is ______________ (beautiful) the green one.
The yellow dress is more beautiful than the green one.
Trousers are _______________ (long) shorts.
Trousers are longer than shorts.