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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are you ................ (starsza od) your sister?
Are you older than your sister?
I have ................ (bardzo mało) money.
I have very little money.
He joined the army .................. (4 miesiÄ…ce temu).
He joined the army four months ago.
The project ........................... (zostanie ukończony) on Friday.
The project will be finished on Friday.
I like my blue T-shirt ............... (bardziej niż) my other T-shirts.
I like my blue T-shirt more than my other T-shirts.
(Ile) ................. does it cost?
How much does it cost?
Jack always ...................... (pamięta żeby kupić) food for the cat.
Jack always remembers to buy food for the cat.
(Czy on lubi) .......................... songs about love?
Does he like songs about love?
I'm ............................. (tak wysoki jak) my brother.
I'm as tall as my brother.
(Zamierzam) ............................ study medicine.
I'm going to study medicine.
(Rada Helen była) ........................... very helpful.
Helen's advice was very helpful.
(Nie ma żadnego) ....................... apple juice in the fridge.
There isn't any apple juice in the fridge./ There's no apple juice in the fridge.
Alicia .................... (ma wiele) pets.
Alicia has got a lot of/ has a lot of pets.
Last week I .................... (kupiłam) a new dress.
Last week I bought a new dress.
(Czy interesujesz siÄ™) .................. in history?
Are you interested in history?
What time ............... (wstajesz) up in the morning?
What time do you get up in the morning?
I ................................. (nie rozmawiałam) to him yesterday.
I didn't talk to him yesterday.
Were you having a shower when I .................. (zadzwoniłam) you last night?
Were you having a shower when I called you last night?
What ........................... (teraz oglÄ…dacie) now?
What are you watching now?
These are ............................. (jej kanapki).
These are her sandwiches.
Is this the ............................. (projekt chłopców)?
Is this the boys' project?
Jason usually ............... (chodzi pieszo) to school.
Jason usually walks/goes on foot to school.
This car is ........ (nasz).
This car is ours.
Excuse me, (czy jest) ........ a post office near here?
Excuse me, is there a post office near here?
(Nie mam) .............. any money.
I haven't got/ don't have any money.
(Ile lat ma) ........... your grandpa?
How old is your grandpa?