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B1+ unit 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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That was a bad idea, we shouldn't ____ done it,
You should have _____ more careful!
You ought ____ eat more vegetables.
I don't believe you - that ______ be true.
mum / answering / must / so / her / my / isn't / she / be / phone / driving
My mum isn't answering her phone so she must be driving.
It ____ be raining in London right now, I'm not sure.
may / might / could
I can hear something but I'm home alone - it _____ be the TV.
You ____ have to pay here - it's free.
hairdresser / need / a / wear / a / doesn't / uniform / to
A hairdresser doesn't need to wear a uniform.
enter / permitted / not / alone / children / are / to / shop / the
Children are not permitted to enter the shop alone.
have / be / athletes / very / got / committed / to
Athletes have got to be very committed.
not / your / use / to / ought / class / in / phone / you
You ought not to use your phone in class.
I shouldn't have _____ so much cake, I feel really sick now.
You'd ______ be home on time, otherwise mum will be angry!
I wasn't _______ to stay out late when I was younger, my parents didn't let me.
allowed / permitted
You ______ to sleep more, you look really tired.
ought / need
I was not ____ to swim when I was 5 but I learned when I was six.
My brother is addicted ____ his phone - he's on it all the time!
I don't know why people aren't capable ____ throwing their rubbish in a bin.
I couldn't sleep last night because I was so stressed _____ the exam.
It really ____ me _____ when my team lost; I was so upset.
got - down
My best friend always knows how to ______ me ___ when I'm feeling sad.
cheer - up
He trains me to play tennis better - he's my C
I want to be like her - she's my R M
role model