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What are the ANIMALS doing?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the crocodile doing?
It's swimming.
Is a sheep cleaning the floor?
No, a monkey is cleaning the floor.
The .................... are dancing.
The lizard is ......... a jam tart.
What's the bird doing?
It's flying.
Elena isn't riding her bike, she's ......................
riding a horse.
Is the mouse taking a bath?
No, it's taking a photo of YOU!
What is Suzy doing?
She's drawing a picture.
What's happening? (It....)
It's raining.
What is Matthias doing?
He's painting the house.
What's the BEAR doing?
It's shopping / it's doing the shopping.
What are they doing?
They're talking (to each other).
What is Mr Bean doing? Who is in the car with him?
He's driving. / a pig
What's the cow doing?
She's running (and jumping).
What is she doing?
She's washing her hands.
Is Virginia writing an email?
No, she isn't. She's writing in her notebook.
What is Lukas doing?
He's flying a kite.
What are the sheep doing ?
They're having a bath.
What's the dog doing?
It's riding a bike.
Is Emilija flying a kite?
No, she is playing tennis.
Is Leo brushing his hair?
No, he's brushing his teeth.
Is the duck drinking water?
No, it's drinking wine.
Is the cat reading a book?
No, it isn't. It's watching TV.
What are you doing right now?
I am studying English
What is your mother doing at the moment?
She is ................
Is Mum cleaning the windows?
No, she isn't. She's cleaning the table.
Who is reading a book?
The parrot!
Is a horse jumping over the log?
No, a lion is jumping over the log.
Who is running?
A girl and a dog.
Is Lisa kicking a stone?
No, she's kicking a ball.
Is the rabbit dancing?
No, it's having a bath.
What's the pig doing?
It's cooking dinner. (frying an egg)
Is the bear playing?
No, it's sleeping.
Mr Bean isn't drinking coffee! He's ............ !
eating ice cream
Who is .................. to music?
listening - the panda