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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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20. When do we use "yet"?
Negative and Interrogative statement
19. When do we use "already"?
Positive statement
18. Say in english: "Mereka belum paham gurauannya"
They didn't understand the joke yet. / They haven't understood the joke yet.
17. Say in english: "Saya sudah lulus tes"
I already passed the test.
16. * Have you done your homework____? * No, I haven't done it _____.
yet / yet
15. * Has Gina phoned you _____? * Yes, she's ________ phoned me.
yet / already
14. Organize the question. watch - movie - Allison - the - Did - new - yet - ?
Did Allison watch the new movie yet?
13. Organize the sentence. didn't - tickets - get - Sam - concert - yet - the
Sam didn't get the concert tickets yet.
12. You promised to give me the report yesterday, but you didn't finish it _____.
11. I'm hungry. I didn't eat my breakfast _____.
10. The doctor has ________ done a lot for this poor community.
9. Did you learn the irregular verbs ____?
8. It's too late and my dad is _______ in the office.
7. They have ________ seen the task, but they have not done it _____.
Already / Yet
6. My boyfriend ________ bought a new cell phone.
5. We ____________ saw that movie.
4. Did he ________ do his homework?
3. Did they have lunch _______?
2. We didn't register for the conference _______.
1. The store was ________ closed.