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Would You Rather?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have to always write with a red pen or pencil for the rest of your life or have to dot all of your “i”s and “j”s with hearts for the rest of your life?
Eat heart-shaped dog treats or eat rose petals?
Have bright red skin or have your heart beat loud enough for everyone in the room to hear it?
Conversation hearts for teeth or Cupid's bow for lips?
Have two love birds on your shoulder for a week or a giant stuffed bear on your back?
Valentine's Day or St. Patrick's Day?
Dress up as the Queen or Hearts or Cupid for the month of February?
Have flowers for hair or paper hearts for eyelashes?
Get a huge teddy bear or huge box of chocolates?
Have a secret admirer or be a secret admirer?
Laugh uncontrollably or burst into tears whenever Valentine's Day is mentioned?
Get an expensive gift or go on vacation?
East 100 conversation heart candies or 25 chocolates?
A dozen red roses or 12 chocolate doughnuts?
Shoot cupid's bow or be shot by cupid's bow?
Eat only foods that are red or only food that is pink?
Eat 1,000 chocolates or pick 1,000 roses?
Have flowers grow in your footsteps or helium balloons released when you sit down?
Give out flowers or real hugs for 10 days?
Have pink hair or purple hair?